When confronted with situations that cause you much grievance, you just wish you could say what you want to the other person. However, you can't. You may think it's all right to do so to a stranger but life has a funny way of sneaking up on you. In other words, a stranger today may be a face you see regularly tomorrow. But the situations that I am talking about are the kinds where it's a common face. A face that you will be seeing for a long time. Not a spouse but more like a friend, or a relative or even an acquaintance.In situations such as these, what are you to do? Just bite your tongue and hold it in? What happens then is, if said feelings are quite strong, it starts to fester and grip you and it takes so much of your time trying not to think about it that you actually spend time thinking about it. I find myself in such situations from time to time. Don't we all? Now, if it were my spouse I would just say what's on my mind. It is in situations that you can't that you need to (or rather I try to)
*these are for situations that aren't extreme in naturea) remember that there are people who face greater pain on a daily basis- so count your blessings
b) keep repeating 'Let it Be' - singing the song helps
c) accept that you worrying won't help one bit - not just realising but accepting
d) it will consume you too - don't let that happen
e) remember to stay true to yourself and your values- even if they don't know what that means
f) and if all else fails just blank it out...
but I have to say, even by doing all this, those ill feelings still rears up its head ever so often..
I find praying and reading God's word helps me. It helps me remember that I am answerable to Him. That all this seems small in comparison to His love and His purpose for me. Now all I have to do is to not forget....
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