Thursday, April 3, 2014

3rd Bundle of Joy

So, baby no. 3 is on the way.. I've entered my third trimester...I didn't know I was pregnant until I started noticing my energy level was low last which my dearest husband lovingly suggested, could be due to lack of exercise : ) (I had a good time reminding him about it once I found out I was actually 7 weeks pregnant) Seriously though, it was more like the non existence of such a thing called exercise.. However, taking care of 2 kids and running a household does count for some mild calorie burning I think. 

Other than that we bought a house, did some minor renovation (as it was a sub sale unit but bought for investment purposes so we are the first to live here) and moved in on New Year's Eve... I've also started my Phd. Yay! My coursemates can't believe I'm coming for classes while pregnant.. they'd rather sleep at home if they were pregnant they say...  So, that's a short round up of events and mainly some idea of posts that I shall be covering from time to time, hopefully.. But I have to say, I have missed you my dearest blog.

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